Lesley Zampatti
Lesley Zampatti
Instagram: https://instagram.com/zedlesley/
Artist Statement
I always planned to be an artist, but somehow – mainly the result of my family’s emigration from the UK in my teens and motherhood in my early 20s – I got side-tracked into journalism and stuck at it for about 40 years. Late last century, I managed to combine my career with studying fine art part-time at Claremont Art School, and when my family moved to the US, I did about a year at the San Diego Art Academy. Now retired, I’m not letting any more dust settle on my arty ambitions. My main love is drawing, so my painting and collages often have a strong graphic style. I’m also crafty and make quilts, bags and toys, knit, and make things out of paper, card, air-dry clay and papier-mache.